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Writing Center: Science Papers

A guide to information to help you research and write more effectively.

FAQs About Science Papers

How are science papers different from other academic papers? 

Although science papers are focused on the field of science, these papers are not significantly different from other forms of academic papers. Science papers require the writer to use a strong thesis statement and defend their thesis through supporting arguments in the paper. 

What should I focus on when I write a science paper? 

You should focus on developing a strong argument in your thesis statement, defending this argument effectively, and explaining the significance of your argument. 

As a tutor, how can I help a student write a science paper when I know very little about the topic? 

Despite not knowing much about the content of a science paper, you can still focus on finding the thesis statement, supporting arguments, and significance of the study. Since you have little knowledge of the topic, you will be able to solely focus on their arguments. 

How are science papers typically structured? 

Students may be asked to write their papers in the traditional academic essay format. However, some students may be asked to write their papers in the form of a research study. You can refer to our reference guide for research papers when this is the case.  

 Tips For Science Papers

  • Include an engaging opening paragraph that draws the audience in and provides sufficient background information to inform the audience of the topic 
  • Identify a strong thesis statement to base your paper on 
    • Ensure your thesis statement has a strong argument 
  • Make your thesis statement clear and easily identifiable in the introduction 
  • Use the body paragraphs to support and defend your thesis statement 
  • Clearly identify the purpose of each body paragraph by including a topic sentence at the beginning of each body paragraph 
  • Connect the arguments of each body paragraph together by using transitions and explaining how the topics of each body paragraph are related to each other
  • Use outside sources to make arguments more credible and verifiable 
    • Cite your sources as you include them to ensure that no source is lost or not cited
  • Explain any information that the audience would not understand on their own
    • Act as if you are not a student of science and identify what information you would not understand. Explain this information in more detail
  • Describe what each acronym and abbreviation means to the audience 
  • Create an outline for the paper before you begin writing to help organize your thoughts and the material you must include
  • Utilize figures, graphs, and tables when the information to help the audience understand the information more 
    • Ensure that you explain the significance of each visual aid to the audience 
  • Use the conclusion to restate the thesis statement, explain how the thesis statement was proven, and explain the significance of the topic of the paper to the audience 

Checklist For Science Papers

  • The title is original and interests the audience 
  • The title reflects the content of the paper
  • The opening paragraph and sentence grabs the audience’s attention 
  • Background information is included in the introduction to provide the audience with the necessary background
  • Key terms are defined in the introduction if necessary 
  • The thesis statement is clearly stated and easy to understand 
  • The thesis statement states the purpose of the topic
  • The thesis statement is located at the beginning of the paper
  • Each argument included in the body paragraph paper relates directly to the thesis statement 
  • All arguments are supported by examples, quotations, sources, etc. 
  • Body paragraphs begin with a transition and topic sentence 
  • Paper accomplishes what the thesis states that it will accomplish 
  • Sources are included throughout the paper to support arguments when necessary 
  • Sources are cited in the text of the paper and at the end of the paper
  • All citations follow the proper format
  • Contains a clear, logical structure throughout the entire paper
  • The conclusion states thesis statement again for the audience 
  • The conclusion briefly explains the supporting arguments stated in the body paragraphs and how these arguments support the thesis statement 
  • Conclusion completely summarizes the argument of the paper
  • Explains why the topic is significant and relevant to the field of study 
  • Quotes are included when necessary and each quote supports the main argument
  • Headings utilized are consistent in style and size
  • Diagrams, figures, tables, and captions are included when necessary and the significance of each aid is clearly explained
  • The paper stays focused and does not drift off in ideas
  • The same verb tense is used throughout the entire paper
  • A professional tone is maintained throughout the paper 
  • Free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

Additional Resources For Science Papers