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Checklist For Multimodal Assignments
- The thesis or main point can be quickly identified and is clearly stated
- Your name and the names of team members are listed and stated clearly
- The name of the institution is included if necessary
- The title is presented at the beginning and clearly conveys the topic of the assignments
- Begins with a strong opening that draws the audience in
- Supporting points are stated clearly throughout the presentation
- When possible, supporting points are written in headings, subheadings, etc.
- All information and images from outside sources are cited
- The major take-away of the assignment is persistent and easy to grasp
- Relates to the audience by getting to know them and presenting what they want to hear
- Information is presented logically and operates almost like a story with a logical flow
- Contains a clear beginning (where you introduce the topic), middle (where you discuss the topic, and end (where you summarize and explain the take-away)
- All terms that needed to be clarified for the audience are defined early
- Leaves time in the ending for the audience to ask questions or provides a way for the audience to contact you with questions
Visual Aids
- The resolution of visual aids are clear and easy to see
- Brief text accompanies images and explains how the images are relevant to the assignment
- If the assignment is a primarily visual medium, the text is kept to a minimal
- Visuals, such as images and graphics, do most of the “talking”
- Visual aids, such as transitions, are kept to a minimum and enhance the presentation without distraction
- Theme and/or background are appropriate for the topic, easy to see, and do not distract
- Graphics are appropriate in size and color and support the presentation
- The layout is visually appealing and fits the message of the presentation
Auditory Aids
- The audio can clearly be heard
- The audio does not contain long pauses or filler words, such as “um” or “like”
- The voice of audio is confident and speaks with authority
- The audio was clearly practiced and revised multiple times before completion
- The text can clearly be seen
- The text is written in an appropriate font
- The font and font sizes are consistent and coherent throughout the assignment
- The text is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
- All text included is relevant to the assignment
- The presenter is excited and ethanoic about the topic
- The presenter speaks with confidence and authority
- The presenter looks at the audience and typically avoids looking at the screen excessviely
- The presenter explains visual aids that appear on the screen, especially equations and graphs
- The presenter pauses when necessary for the audience to take in important information
- Pauses are not longer than 3 seconds
- The presenter avoids filler words, such as “um” or “like”
- The presenter is relaxed and comfortable throughout the presentation
- The presenter clearly practiced presentation ahead of time and is well-versed on the topic