We greatly appreciate faculty efforts to promote the Writing Center. In our end-of-the-semester survey last fall, students reported that faculty encouragement was their number one reason for visiting the Writing Center. Your students will be more likely to take advantage of the resource if you adopt some or all of the following practices:
- Encourage all of your students to use the Writing Center and use positive language to talk about it. Explain that all writers benefit from talking about their writing assignments and getting feedback on drafts. Students who get the impression that the Writing Center services are for bad writers are not likely to come.
- Include information about the Writing Center on you syllabus: The Writing Center is an important resource for MC students interested in improving their writing skills. It offers free, interactive, one-on-one writing consultations. The Writing Center is located on the 1st floor of the Leland Speed Library, across from the Gore Art Gallery. To schedule an appointment, students can visit https://mc.mywconline.com, phone 601-925-7289 or email writingcenter@mc.edu. Walk-ins are available, too.
- Announce to your students that standing weekly appointments are available for any students. Meeting with the same tutor each week can really be useful for the writers.
- Tell students about the Writing Center well in advance of the assignment due date. If students come to the Writing Center asking for help an hour before the paper is due, we won't be able to review the paper thoroughly for content development, unity, or coherence.
- Invite a writing consultant to visit your class. You can incorporate writing support in your class through class visits. A Writing Center consultant will come to your class, talk to the students about Writing Center services, answer questions, and distribute flyers. These visits are a great way to encourage your students to visit the Writing Center. To schedule a class visit, please fill out this Class Visit Request Form.
When you encourage your students to come to the Writing Center, we appreciate receiving a copy of your assignment. If a student forgets to bring a copy, we'll have one on hand. Please send the assignment to writingcenter@mc.edu
For questions or for more information about how we can collaborate, please contact:
Lingshan Song: song00@mc.edu or 601-925-3268