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Checklist For PowerPoints
- Contains a title slide with the name of the presentation and the name of the presenter
- Includes an introduction slide that outlines what will be covered in the presentation
- Presentation is focused on the topic that it is said to address in the title slide
- Grabs the attention of the audience
- Summarizes the presentation
- Contains a “thanks for listening” note
- Contains an “any questions” note and allows the audience to ask questions
- Information has been fact-checked
- References and source information is included at the end of the presentation
- Text is simplified and only includes the most important information. Text is not overloaded and too long
- Includes the information needed to understand the topic
- Information is organized in a clear, logical way
Formatting & Visual Aids
- Choice of the theme is appropriate for the topic
- Font and font size is professional and appropriate
- Font formats (color, bold, italics) are used to enhance the presentation and do not distract
- Text color is easy to read and appropriate for presentation
- Background does not make text or graphics hard to read
- Font, font size, colors, background, and transitions are consistent and coherent
- All caps text is kept to a minimum
- Visual aids, such as transitions, are kept to a minimum and enhance the presentation without distraction
- Free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
- Graphics are appropriate in size and color and support the presentation
- The layout is visually appealing and fits the message of the presentation
- The presenter looks at the audience when presenting
- The presenter avoids looking at and reading from slides
- The presenter presents with confidence and enthusiasm
- The presenter speaks with a clear voice and appropriate volume
- The presenter uses interactive methods to make the audience engaged
- The presenter’s tone is varied and engaging
- The presenter keeps long pauses and verbal fillers, such as “um,” to a minimum