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Business: Phase II

MGT 499 - Phase II

Phase II Instructions (Recording)

Printable Full Sentence Outline Example

What exactly is a sentence?

“A sentence is the largest grammatical unit in language. It communicates a complete thought—an assertion, question, command, or exclamation. In general, assertions and questions—the overwhelming majority of sentences—require a subject and a verb, put together in a way that can stand alone, resulting in what is called an independent clause…”


Phase II: Sentence Outline

An outline is a hierarchical ordering of information. Think of it as the "skeleton" of your final paper. The outline should also be alphanumeric, meaning headings should be in Roman numerals, subheadings in capitalized letters, then Arabic numerals, and finally lower-case letters.

Here are some tips to help you create your Phase II Outline:

Review the topics (listed in on the Research Project handout) that need to be addressed in the final paper.

Identify your main and subordinate ideas (headings and subheadings).

Don't let headings and subheadings stand alone (if you have A. you must have B., but necessarily C.). See the example below.

Organize the information you’ve collected from your sources in Phase I into logical order.

Remember, the outline is a “bare bones” version of your paper. Don’t include too much detail, just enough to let the reader know what the paper will address.

Use phrases rather than single words, and employ correct grammar.

All assignments should be submitted in Times New Roman, 12-point font.

You don't need to include a title page or your bibliography, just the outline. See the example below.