To find books, journals, and other items related to literary criticism that are physically located in Speed Library, search the online catalog MICAL below:
If you are searching for literary criticism on poetry, drama, or long or short fiction, you can search by a genre Subject Heading following by the subcategory "History and criticism." All of these Subject Headings can be used in the both catalog and in databases, but the links below connect to MICAL.
Poetry -- History and criticism
Fiction -- History and criticism
Drama -- History and criticism
You can also search by geographic region or time period and further subdivide by "History and criticism" as shown below.
English poetry -- 18th century -- History and criticism
American literature -- 1783-1850 -- History and criticism
American fiction -- History and criticism
English fiction -- History and criticism
Theater -- United States -- Reviews
Below are a few relevant titles found in the MICAL catalog.
Cambridge History of
English & American Literature
"Considered the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published"
"Contains over 303 chapters and 11,000 pages, with essay topics ranging from poetry, fiction, drama and essays to history, theology and political writing."
Arranged chronologically, it includes a chapter index for each volume, as well as a bibliographic index for each chapter.