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Website |
ACS Publications Home Page. (accessed 2019-02-21). |
Document from a website
American Chemical Society, Committee on Chemical Safety, Task Force for Safety Education Guidelines. Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions. American Chemical Society, 2016. (accessed 2019-02-21).
Beauge, J. School District Sued Over Burns Girl Suffered During Chemistry Class Demonstration. PennLive (Harrisburg, PA), November 17, 2018, updated November 17, 2018. (accessed 2019-02-22).
Newspaper article from a database
Hawthorn, M. The Evolution of Ethylene Oxide. Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL), December 23, 2018, 12. (accessed 2019-09-15 from ProQuest: US Major Dailies Newstream).
Federal governmental agency publication
Department of Commerce, United States Patent and Trademark Office. Section 706.02 Rejection of Prior Art [R-07.2015]. Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP), 9th ed., rev. 08.2017, last revised January 2018. (accessed 2019-03-20).
Streaming media
American Chemical Society. Game of Thrones Science: Sword Making and Valyrian Steel. Reactions. YouTube, April 15, 2015. (accessed 2019-02-28).
(ACS Style Guide, pp 316-325)