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Psychology: Psychological Testing

Research help in the area of Psychology.

Evaluating Tests

If you are considering a test that has not been reviewed by Mental Measurements Yearbook, you may still perform your own evaluation of the test. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is a resource provided by the American Educational Reserach Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education.  The newest edition will be released in 2014.  The following edition is available for checkout at the library:

Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

The Buros Center for Testing provides an in-depth guide to using a MMY review to evaluate a test.

How do I obtain a test?

The MC Leland Speed Library does not provide the tests reviewed in its resources.  Locate the publisher and/or distributor information in the bibliography to contact the provider.

Tests in Print

The Tests in Print series provides bibliographies to commercially available tests, including the following information:

  • test purpose
  • publisher
  • acronyms
  • intended population
  • publication dates
  • test authors

While Tests in Print does not provide reviews, if one is available in Mental Measurements Yearbook, it will include that information.  

Print copies are available on the Ready Reference shelf behind the reference desk, as well as in the stacks on the lower level.

Mental Measurements Yearbooks

Mental Measurements Yearbook provides reviews of thousands of tests, generally reviewed by more than one professional.  MMY is a useful tool to help you evaluate which testing instrument will benefit your research.

Mental Measurements Yearbook is available both in print on the Ready Reference shelf (behind the Reference Desk) and online.

Citing TIP and MMY

  • To properly cite an entry from TIP or MMY, understand that each entry is a section in an edited book.  An example citation can be found on this page under "Chapter or Section of an Edited Book".


Example Citations: note in the first example (The) is in parenthesis because that is the way it is listed in the book. 

This citation:

Passow, A. H., & Terwilliger, J. (1995). ACT Test (The). The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook.


Erdmann, J. B., & McMorris, R. (1998). Law School Admission Test. The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook.