Poll Everywhere is a web-based audience response system that charts real-time responses to questions posed to the audience. Teachers can use this CRS for quick formative assessment with polls or for more summative assessment with new questions types and competition mode. Poll Everywhere is best used when you want immediate feedback on how students are understanding or using the course/class concepts. Responses are seen by you and all in the class if you project the poll, answers can be anonymous. Multiple choice polling and short answer are the most commonly used question types, but Poll Everywhere is expanding by initiating a competition mode and new question formats.
"Poll Everywhere transforms one-sided presentations into two-way conversations with the audience. This web-based audience response system lets you embed interactive activities directly into your presentation. The audience responds on the web or via SMS texting on their phones.
Poll Everywhere is used by millions of audience members and students every year. It's trusted by over 60 percent of the Fortune 500, along with more than 300,00 educators worldwide, during meetings, classes, and events." -Poll Everywhere.
Explore the most popular Poll Everywhere question types to determine if this is the right CRS for you.
Descriptions and images come from Poll Everywhere Presenter Guide.
Creating a Poll Everywhere account is free and easy. Follow the steps below to start your Poll Everywhere experience.
All polls or quizzes in Poll Everywhere are called activities. Create a stand-alone activity or create multiple activities to ask your audience multiple questions in one session. You can group activities or create a survey after the creation process. Follow the steps below to start creating!
To present your poll to an audience, you will need to activate it. Activating a poll publishes the poll to your individual PollEv.com response page. To activate your poll from you MyPolls dashboard, click the "Activate" icon, located to the right of the poll. Group questions to display them back to back (ex: ENG 101) or turn your question series into a survey.
To activate the poll from the chart, click "Activate" or place the poll in Full-Screen mode. The poll automatically activates when in full-screen. Only one poll can be active on your presenter page at a time, therefore, the only poll your participants can see is the one open in full-screen mode. The next poll will automatically activate as you advance through your polling slides, adjusting your presenter page.
You can display your poll directly by embedding it into PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides. To integrate you must first download the PollEv Presenter App that matches your presentation software. The presentation computer must be connected to the internet for polls to be displayed.
Follow the instructions below for integrating Poll Everywhere with PowerPoint. For Keynote or Google Slides please see the links at the bottom of the instructions.
► Use the links below for guidance on integrating PollEverywhere with other presentations programs.
The majority of reporting features are only available in the premium, paid version. There are a few options available to free accounts.
Response History
Results Screenshot