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Online Classroom Response Systems

Explore news ways to increase student engagement

Kahoot! is a web-based classroom response system that allows the instructor to create multiple choice game-show style quizzes to assess student knowledge and comprehension.  Students can compete individually or in teams, earning points in each mode.  Kahoot! is best used for multiple choice quizzes in smaller classes, with students that can accept point awarding competition.  Points are allotted after each question and can be seen by all in the class, motivating students to get more correct answers.  Students can respond anonymously or with names. You can create your own, new, Kahoots! or search the Kahoot! public library for Kahoots! you can use or modify. 


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that millions of people around the world every day to discover, create, play, and share learning games.  Kahoot! can be used for any subject, any age, and with any device- and players don't even need to register for an account.  Our platform is designed to make learning fun. 

One of the things that makes Kahoot! so unique is that its a platform where you decide on the content, the imagery, and how the game is played. - Kahoot! 

Quiz Type

Explore Kahoot! quiz types to determine if this is the right CRS for you. 

Descriptions come from Kahoot! Knowledgebase.

  • Quiz
    • Use Quiz to introduce and review topics, reward students for correct answers.  Unique to the quiz are features like assigning right/wrong answers and toggling points on/off.  When a quiz is played, there will be a scoreboard between questions to show the current top-scoring players.
  • Survey
    • Unlike a quiz, surveys don't have right/wrong assigned to answers, and there is no points system or scoreboards.  You will still see a bar graph between questions showing how many chose each answer.  Surveys can be used to find out what students already know (or just learned) without competition, and you can use the bar graph to guide the conversation. 
  • Discussion
    • If you're in the middle of a lecture/presentation and want to quickly ask spur-of-the-moment questions (and record responses for later analysis), consider creating a discussion.  This is identical to a survey, but with a limit of only one question.  Discussions aim to get you through building the question and into hosting it quickly.
  • Jumble 
    • A jumble offers the same competitive-play as a quiz, but jumble questions come with a twist by challenging players to place answers in the correct order rather than selecting one correct answer. 

Create an Account

Creating a Kahoot! account is free and easy.  Follow the steps below to start your Kahoot! experience.

  1. Select Sign-Up at the top left of the screen 
  2. Determine how you will use Kahoot! 
    1. As a teacher, student, work, or socially
  3. Sign up with your Google or Microsoft account or with your email
    1. Using your Google account will link your Kahoot! account with your MC email
  4. Provide your account details
    1. If you select Google or Microsoft you will be direct to sign in via one of these account systems
  5. Select sign-up for K-12 teachers at the bottom of the select plan page
  6. You're now ready to create and play!

Create a Kahoot!

Create a new Kahoot! or explore thousands of already made Kahoots! in your discipline.  Any Kahoot! you create can range in size from 1 to 50+ questions.  We suggest 10-20 to assess student learning. Follow the steps below to start creating!

All step descriptions and images come from Kahoot! Getting Started User Guide

  1. Select your question types: Quiz, Jumble, Discussion, Survey
  2. Add a description, tags, and cover image
    1. Adding a good description helps to define learning objectives for the game and keep you focused.  Add descriptive tags and a cover image to make your Kahoot! discoverable and attractive
  3. Create a learning game by adding questions, answers, and imagery. 
    1. Follow the instruction on-screen to add questions, answers, images, and video clips.  You can also fine-tune Kahoot! using different timer and points settings or setting multiple correct answers
    2. Be sure to toggle points and correct answers on/off if you are using the quiz and/or points features

Presenting a Kahoot!

Kahoots are best played in group settings, like a classroom.  Games are displayed on a shared screen - for example, a smart TV, laptop, tablet, or projection system. You can also use screen sharing tools like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts to include players from other classes or online students. 

Players join in using their own devices - whether that is a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop - the device doesn't matter as long as they have access to a web browser or the Kahoot! app.

  1. Select the game you wish to play with the class - this can be your own creation or a public Kahoot!
  2. From your Kahoot! homepage, click play next to the game you wish to play 
  3. Launch the game so players can join
    1. Change the settings to randomize the question order, control streak bonuses, etc.
    2. Select Classic or Team mode
  4. A unique Game PIN will be displayed at the top of the screen. Players must enter this PIN to join the game in the Kahoot! app or on their web browser
    1. The player counter allows you to ensure that all students are in the game
  5. Click start once you can see all the player's names or nicknames (for anonymity).  During gameplay, you can use the spacebar or mouse to go to the next question.
    1. The question screen has a timer that lets students know how much time they have left to answer the question. 
    2. Students select the color/shape choice on their device that corresponds to the correct answer on the screen.
  6. Students will be notified of whether the answer was correct or incorrect on their personal device
    1. If you have points turned on, students will see how many points they received and what place they are in
  7. A scoreboard will appear between questions that present the names or nicknames of score leaders
  8. At the end of the game, a podium will be presented with the top 3 students for the quiz. Students will be notified on their individual devices of their total score and place in the competition.
  9. At the end of the game, click Feedback and Results, and then Final Results to save and download the scores, view reports, play again, or start a new game.
    1. Students will be asked to complete a short survey


Reporting is a free feature in Kahoot!  You can obtain reports after playing a Kahoot or from your Kahoot homepage. Follow the on-screen prompts to obtain results after a game has finished. Use the directions below to obtain reports from the homepage.

  1. Select Reports from the top purple menu
  2. Select the appropriate date/time/title for which you would like to download results
  3. Select download
  4.  An Excel (.CSV) file will automatically download
  5.  The report includes:
    1. The title, date, time played, and number of players
    2. Overall student performance
    3. Overall student feedback
    4. Final Scores
    5. Question Summary
    6. Results per question