Kahoot! is a web-based classroom response system that allows the instructor to create multiple choice game-show style quizzes to assess student knowledge and comprehension. Students can compete individually or in teams, earning points in each mode. Kahoot! is best used for multiple choice quizzes in smaller classes, with students that can accept point awarding competition. Points are allotted after each question and can be seen by all in the class, motivating students to get more correct answers. Students can respond anonymously or with names. You can create your own, new, Kahoots! or search the Kahoot! public library for Kahoots! you can use or modify.
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that millions of people around the world every day to discover, create, play, and share learning games. Kahoot! can be used for any subject, any age, and with any device- and players don't even need to register for an account. Our platform is designed to make learning fun.
One of the things that makes Kahoot! so unique is that its a platform where you decide on the content, the imagery, and how the game is played. - Kahoot!
Explore Kahoot! quiz types to determine if this is the right CRS for you.
Descriptions come from Kahoot! Knowledgebase.
Creating a Kahoot! account is free and easy. Follow the steps below to start your Kahoot! experience.
Create a new Kahoot! or explore thousands of already made Kahoots! in your discipline. Any Kahoot! you create can range in size from 1 to 50+ questions. We suggest 10-20 to assess student learning. Follow the steps below to start creating!
All step descriptions and images come from Kahoot! Getting Started User Guide
Kahoots are best played in group settings, like a classroom. Games are displayed on a shared screen - for example, a smart TV, laptop, tablet, or projection system. You can also use screen sharing tools like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts to include players from other classes or online students.
Players join in using their own devices - whether that is a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop - the device doesn't matter as long as they have access to a web browser or the Kahoot! app.
Reporting is a free feature in Kahoot! You can obtain reports after playing a Kahoot or from your Kahoot homepage. Follow the on-screen prompts to obtain results after a game has finished. Use the directions below to obtain reports from the homepage.