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Medical Sciences: Understanding medical research

Resources for research and course work in the medical sciences at Mississippi College.

Evidence-Based Medicine is the definitive researching and treatment practices used by health care providers and medical students.  The EBM process asks researchers and practitioners to ask clinical questions and then gather the best evidence available, based upon the research hierarchy or pyramid, to provide the best quality patient care.
EBM, or Evidence-Based Medicine, uses special methods that have been developed to find the highest quality evidence for the benefits of a specific medical intervention. EBM also plays a part in making sure that the research that is done can help patients to answer the most important questions. This means that studies look into both the benefits of treatments well as how it affects the quality of life, for example.

Institute for Quality & Efficacy in Healthcare. (2016, September 8).  What is evidence-based medicine? Retrieved from 

The Research Pyramid provides researches with a quick and efficient way of evaluating the strength, necessity, and availability of the medical/scientific literature.