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Health Services Administration: HSA 6504

Research help in the area of Health Services Administration.

What is Research?

Research is the systematic examination of a problem by collecting information to identify facts or opinions that will solve the problem.  More broadly, research is a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover new information or reach a new understanding (Cambridge Dictionary Online, 2019).
By performing academic research, students and researchers are able to make greater connections with authors, research areas, and theories in their field. 

Research Proposal

For this course, you will be required to create a Research Proposal.  This project allows you to formulate an entire research plan and imagine how you would carry out that particular research project in real life. 
The Research Proposal is a vital component of any research project.  The proposal provides the instructor or advisor, company or funding agency with all the details of your project, your competency, and whether or not your project is manageable. 
In all the Research Proposal should be able to provide the reader with the what, how, and why of your research (Pickard, 2013, 50).
  1. What you are proposing to do?
  2. How you are proposing to do it
  3. Why you have selected the proposed strategy.
Use the boxes below to explore the components of a research proposal.  The various pages of this guide will then provide you with detailed explanations on each component and strategies for completing them