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Chemistry & Biochemistry: SciFinder

Resources for research and course work in chemistry and biochemistry at Mississippi College

SciFinder Guides

Confused about where to begin when searching Scifinder? These short tutorials give you the answers that you may be looking for when using Scifinder!

SciFinder is an intelligent interface that helps users to easily search the extensive Chemical Abstracts Databases. Searches can be done by subject phrases, author names and chemical identification such as structure/substructure, reactions, molecular formulae and more.

Since substances can be described by multiple names or other characteristics, SciFinder gives you the flexibility to approach a substance search from different starting points, depending on your research needs. No matter how you begin, your results are from the CAS REGISTRYSM database, the most trusted and comprehensive collection of publicly available chemical substances in the world. (all photos statements are via CAS)

SciFinder Searching Tips & Tricks

A Markush structure is a generic structure that is used in patents. A SciFinder Markush search begins with a structure and returns patents that contain relevant Markush structures. 

Molecular Formula searches often retrieve many isomeric substances and it is necessary to narrow answers.

Click a question mark (?) to access context-specific online help. If you click it next to Molecular Formula, the help message provides many examples about how to search Molecular Formulas for polymers, salts, and structure repeating units.

Molecular properties include the chemical properties, physical properties, and structural properties of molecules, including drugs. Molecular properties typically do not include pharmacological or biological properties of a chemical compound.

A chemical structure determination includes a chemist's specifying the molecular geometry and, when feasible and necessary, the electronic structure of the target molecule or other solid.

SciFinder Tutorials

CAS offers instructor-led and on-demand training to help you build your search skills.

Click one of the following links for a demonstration: