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Information Literacy Advanced Search and tools (Module 3): EBSCO Tools

Save to EBSCO Folder

You can save your research in EBSCO folders so that you can organize and easily access your materials. To do that you need to login to your EBSCO account. If you do not create an EBSCO account than your saved items for your folders will not be saved once you end your session. In addition, you will not be able to customize your folders. 


You can create your EBSCO account through using your MC email by clicking on "Continue with Google". 


You can create folders by clicking "New" under "My Custom".

Items can be added into folders by selecting "Add to Folder" on the item record.


Ebooks can be added into EBSCO folders as well but they will be in separate sub-folders because they are a different kind of resource. 





You have an option of emailing articles to yourself. This can be done individually or through a batch through the EBSCO folder. 


You can use the "Cite" tool to get a bibliographic citation for any resource in EBSCO. However, you may want to double check these citations against print and online formatting manuals.