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EDU 7501: Advanced Educational Research Applications: Action Research Report

Research Report

Dr. Stafford requires that each student should complete an action research report using the following outline:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Review of Related Literature
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendixes 


            Title Page:

The title page should contain the title of the report, the student’s name, and the name of the institution. These items should be centered in the upper one-third of the title page. The items should be double-spaced. The title should summarize the main idea of the action research. The title should be 10 - 12 words in length.



The abstract is a brief summary of the contents of the action research. The abstract should not exceed 120 words. The abstract should include only information found in the body of the report. An abstract should be brief, concise, accurate, coherent, and readable. 



The introduction should explain why the study (research question) is important. The purpose and rationale of the study should be included.


            Review of Related Literature:

The important literature in the field should be reviewed in this section. Chose only the most relevant authors and studies in the field. You may read many articles, but not all will be cited in the review of related literature. Citations should follow the APA format for citing works. Technical writing is precise, requiring clarity and consistency.



The method section should be divided into three areas: Participants, Materials and Procedure. General ideas about who was involved in the study, what materials were used, and how the materials and participants interacted should be described.



A description of the analysis of the data collected in the study should be provided in this section. Charts, tables, written explanations can be used. The different types of statistical techniques used in the analysis of data should be mentioned. All relevant group results should be listed.



The results of the analysis of the data should be interpreted in this section. The researcher should explain what the results means in terms of the variables in the study. The implications of the results should be given. The section should open with a clear statement of the support (or non support) for the original hypotheses.



 Final statement(s) of the meaning of the results. Implications for action.



A complete list of related literature reviewed should be provided. The reference list should be compiled using APA standards. Twelve to eighteen references should be listed.